Marianne's Three Favorite Things: DECEMBER 2022


We are approaching the end of a challenging year. Health, politics, and each of our personal stories. And as bumpy as the ride seems at times, I find the engine that always keeps me going is the magic of gratitude. I am blessed by the love of my family and friends, wonderful colleagues, and incredible neighbors. And, I get to call the magnificent Pacific northwest my home. Lucky me. I sincerely wish you all a glass full of joy and gratitude! Happy Holidays!



walter de maria; the lightening field

The Lightening field is celebrated as one of the 20th most noteworthy installations of land and art.

Learn more here.



The World’s most bio diverse forests

These substantial forests collectively cover 31% of the global land area and support the vast majority of plant and animal species.

Learn more here.



2022 national design award winners

Meet some of the msst brilliant designers of the year in all areas of design.

Learn more here.