Marianne's Three Favorite Things: April 2022


In 1623 there was a rare striped tulip named Semper Augustus that captured the fancy of wealthy investors in The Netherlands. At one point a single bulb garnered the same price as a home. It was a moment of hysteria that caused an economic upheaval when it was discovered that the tulips beauty was caused by disease as it withered and died. This story caused me to consider the concept of assigned value. Sometimes we assign value to the most sparkling thing in the room and yet the quietly beautiful item in the corner is often far more important and valuable. Let’s concentrate on what actually counts in life: kindness, the goodness in others, home and family, our health, friends, our beloved pets and the potential that each day offers us. Happy Spring!



Venice Biennale

The energy and magic of the Venice Biennale returns after a year-long wait and opens to the public on April 23rd. 2022.

Learn more here.



Semper Augustus

The most expensive tulip in history. A single bulb of this spectacular tulip could buy a house in 16th C. Holland.

Learn more here.



Pritzker Prize

The Pritzker Prize in Architecture is the equivalent of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. 2022 extraordinary winner: Diebedo Francis Kere of Burkina, Faso.

Learn more here.